Benefits Of A Home Inspector Wearing A Body Camera

It's important for a home inspector to use a camera to meticulously document every part of a home that they've been hired to inspect. If you're new to this profession, you'll need to decide what type of camera to buy. Instead of using a camera that you hold in your hands, you might wish to buy a body camera. These cameras are similar to what law enforcement officers wear, and typically mount to your chest so that they have a clear field of vision of everything in front of you. Read More 

Three Reasons You Should Consider Hiring A Professional Security Patrol Guard Service For Your Business

Security in your business premises is an essential factor to the well-being of your business because customers tend to shy away from businesses with poor security out of fear of getting mugged or their vehicles vandalized in the parking lot. As a result, it is always advisable to hire security guards to keep a watchful eye on the premises to avoid such negative occurrences. Unfortunately, most business owners only hire security guards to stand at the entrance of the premises to perform security checks on anyone coming in or out of the premises. Read More